Best Base for Travertine Pavers: A Simple Guide

Travertine pavers are beautiful natural stones that can make your outdoor spaces look amazing. But to make sure they last a long time and stay looking great, you need to put them on the right base. Let’s talk about the best base for travertine pavers and why it’s so important.

Why is the Base Important?

Think of the base like the foundation of a house. If the foundation isn’t strong, the house won’t be stable. It’s the same with pavers. A good base helps:

  • Keep the pavers level and even
  • Stop them from sinking or moving around
  • Prevent weeds from growing between them
  • Help water drain away properly

The Best Base: Crushed Stone or Gravel

The best base for travertine pavers is usually crushed stone or gravel. Here’s why:

  1. Strong and Stable: Crushed stone packs down tightly, making a firm surface for the pavers.
  2. Good Drainage: Water can easily flow through the spaces between the stones, preventing puddles.
  3. Prevents Shifting: The angular shapes of crushed stone lock together, stopping the pavers from moving.
  4. Affordable: It’s cheaper than some other options, like concrete.

How to Make the Base

Making a good base takes a few steps:

  1. Dig Out the Area: Remove about 6-8 inches of soil where you want to put the pavers.
  2. Add Landscape Fabric: This helps stop weeds from growing up through your pavers.
  3. Add the Crushed Stone: Put in a 4-6 inch layer of crushed stone or gravel.
  4. Compact the Stone: Use a plate compactor to press the stone down firmly.
  5. Add Sand: Put a thin layer (about 1 inch) of sand on top of the stone.
  6. Level the Sand: Use a long, straight board to make sure the sand is flat and even.
Also Check:  What's the Difference Between Travertine Tile and Travertine Pavers?

Other Base Options

While crushed stone is usually best, there are other options:

  • Sand: Good for small areas, but not as stable for larger spaces.
  • Concrete: Very strong but expensive and harder to fix if it cracks.
  • Polymeric Sand: A special type of sand that hardens like cement when wet.

Tips for Success

  • Make sure the base slopes slightly away from your house to help water drain.
  • Use edging around your paved area to keep the pavers in place.
  • Take your time making the base – it’s the most important part of the job!


A good base is key to making your travertine pavers look great and last for years. Crushed stone or gravel is usually the best choice because it’s strong, helps with drainage, and is affordable. Remember, taking the time to make a good base will save you lots of trouble in the future!

Want to installing and maintaining travertine pavers? Check out expert on Travertine Pavers in Massachusetts for outstanding works.

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